I’d Love to Hear from You.
Thank you for visiting the Studio’s Website. Whether you are a music enthusiast seeking an outlet or a professional musician seeking structured advancement, you are welcome here. I hope that you’ll contact me for an interview, just keep scrolling for more information on how the interview process works. Join me for a cappuccino, a conversation, and a look at your individual musical goals. Let’s make your musical dreams a reality, together.
studio v
We’ve recently moved! Find us in our new location in Capital Hill East.
We look forward to hearing from you. As a heads up, emailing is best. Be sure to include a contact number and a good time to reach you.
Availability is limited.
apologies! SPam is evil!
The Studio is currently being inundated with phone calls from every conceivable salesman known to human kind trying to sell us something. If you can think of it, they spam fill the business line with attempts to sell it. Fantastic.
The downside? The phone is completely filled up with spam voicemails daily. The modern world we live in. Somehow, I doubt this would have been on Mozart’s mind when he contemplated what people in the future would fear or have to contend with.
With all apologies for the inconvenience, please use email to contact the Studio for new student inquiries to make sure your contact gets through.
Photo credit: Sean Scheidt
We are so thankful to Sean Scheidt for his enormous gifts. Sean takes photography and creates works of art that can only be described as paintings with a camera. Sean has shot movie stars, models, and musicians for just about every national magazine you can think of!
Without Sean, we couldn’t possibly share the magic of our musical lives with you. We thank him for sharing his talents with us, and hope you’ll follow him and his phenomenal career. Look out for his works in your social media feeds and favorite publications. Also, Please visit Sean’s website and support his work!

What to expect in the interview
The studio welcomes students of all backgrounds and ability levels to schedule an entrance interview at any time. While the studio bills quarterly, students may matriculate into the studio at any time, and will be billed a pro-rated tuition if they are matriculating mid-quarter. For full billing policies, please review the Statement of Policies under Lessons, Tuition.
The Interview is free of charge. Interviews are about 2 hours long, and cover background information about you, about the studio, and about the curriculum. A listening evaluation is administered to gauge your ability to critically listen, and, if you’ve had experience playing, you will be asked to play something of your choosing for Matthew in the interview. At the conclusion of the interview, if the fit feels right, you will be welcome to matriculate into the studio provided the studio has space at the times you are available to come in for your lessons.
You are welcome to take as much time as you need to decide whether the studio is the right fit for you; however, the studio does not hold slots, so take this into consideration while you deliberate.